The Rain in Maine

The Rain in Maine

If you read my blog yesterday you’d know that I had a near perfect photo day. The one image I included in my blog was of reflections over a tidal inlet. I kinda suspected that the photo gods would not grant another day quite like that. Turns out I was right.

What we got instead was a day of unrelenting rain and fog. But those of you who read my blog regularly know that I advocate for getting out there, whatever the weather.

I needed to spend the day reviewing sites for my Acadia National Park Fall photo workshop, so I had no choice but to be out. And I happened to pass this wonderful patch of forest in the rain. I outfitted my camera with a rain jacket and proceeded to spend a pleasant(?) hour trudging through the woods to capture it and a few other images.

For the record, this was taken tripod-mounted on a Nikon D810 with a 24mm Nikkor tilt-shift, 1.0 seconds @ f11, ISO 50.